This participant’s guide is designed to be a companion for an individual or small group that is using the video series and book Beautiful Outlaw by John Eldredge. There are 18...
Tips and encouragement to help you lead the 18-part Beautiful Outlaw series.
Official Beautiful Outlaw book trailer
Chapter 1: "The Playfulness of God and the Poison of Religion" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has cl...
Chapter 2: "The Missing Essential: His Personality" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our p...
Chapter 3: "Is Jesus Really Playful?" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of ...
Chapter 4: "Fierce Intention" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus wi...
Chapter 5: "The Most Human Face of All" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions o...
Chapter 6: "Extravagant Generosity" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Je...
Chapter 7: "Disruptive Honesty" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus ...
Chapter 8: "A Scandalous Freedom"– Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus...
Chapter 9: "Cunning"– Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, ...
Chapter 10: "Humility" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with blan...
Chapter 11: "Trueness" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with blan...
Chapter 12: "Beautiful" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bla...
Chapter 13: "Loving Jesus" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with ...
Chapter 14: "Letting Jesus Be Himself – With You" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our per...
Chapter 15: "Clearing Away the Religious Fog" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our percept...
Chapter 16: "Letting Jesus Be Himself – Encounters" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our p...
Epilogue – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensi...