Prayers We Pray

Below you will find a number of prayers we have developed for special situations – whether for inner healing or deliverance, breaking curses or simply getting a good night’s sleep!

But first and foremost we offer to you “The Daily Prayer” – the prayer we have found to be so effective we don’t let a day go by now without praying some version of it. May these prayers bring you freedom, restoration, breakthrough and life! Over the years we’ve learned a great deal about prayer – mostly through facing our own trials, crying out for help, studying the Scriptures and asking Jesus, like the disciples, “Teach us to pray!”

Daily Prayer (John)

My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, renewed in you, to receive your life and your love and all the grace and mercy I so desperately need this day. I honor you as my Lord, and I surrender every aspect and dimension of my life to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood—my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

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Daily Prayer (Stasi)

My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, renewed in you, to receive your life and your love and all the grace and mercy I so desperately need this day. I honor you as my Lord, and I surrender every aspect and dimension of my life to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood—my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

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Daily Prayer (Extended Version)

[Why a long version? Over the years we have come to learn a great deal about prayer and spiritual warfare. Frankly, the prayers of our youth have not proved sufficient for the trials of a more mature believer advancing the Kingdom of God. This longer version reflects the kind of prayer needed in times of intense ministry or times of great pressure and attack. Frankly, it just has more firepower. Try it—you’ll see.]

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Daily Prayer (Head of Household)

[Those of you with children will find it very effective to deliberately include them in your daily prayers. Husbands have a great measure of spiritual authority over their wives and children (see Ephesians 5:23), and mothers over their children. So we offer this version as a way of learning to include your household in your prayer.]

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Prayer to Receive Jesus Christ as Savior

The most important relationship for every one of us is our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Choosing to believe that he is who he claimed to be – the Son of God and the only way to salvation – and receiving him by faith as your Lord and Savior is the most vital act anyone will ever do.  We want life.  He is Life.  We need cleansing.  He is the Living Water.   Here is a simple prayer if you have not yet given your life to Jesus and invited him into yours:    

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A Bedtime Prayer

My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, to be renewed in you, to take refuge in you. I honor you as my sovereign Lord, and I surrender every aspect of my life totally and completely to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood, and I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

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The "Life" Prayer

[This prayer is particularly helpful in those seasons where we are being assaulted with death, suffering or affliction. “In a word, He came to supply all our lack – from the root outward; for what is it we need but more life? What does the infant need but more life?... What does the old man need, whose limbs are weak and whose pulse is low, but more of the life which seems ebbing from him?... ‘More life!’ is the unconscious prayer of all creation, groaning and travailing for the redemption of its Lord.”   ~ George MacDonald]

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Prayer for Breaking Curses

I proclaim that “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." (Galatians 3:13)

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Prayer for Inner Healing

We recommend that you set aside a good bit of time in a quiet place to pray for inner healing. This process can’t be rushed. It is usually helpful if you have someone to pray along with you—a trained counselor or minister, someone who knows a bit about healing prayer, or simply a friend who knows Jesus and wants to help you. It is not mandatory, but it can be helpful. Read through this entire process before you begin.

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Prayer for Sexual Healing

Healing for your sexuality is available; this is a very hopeful truth! But you must realize that your sexuality is deep and core to your nature as a human being. Therefore sexual brokenness can be one of the deepest types of brokenness a person might experience. You must take your healing and restoration seriously. This guided prayer will help immensely. You may find you need to pray through it a few times in order to experience a lasting freedom.    

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Prayer for Freedom from Habitual Sins

(from Free to Live) Renouncing the Sin

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Prayer of Consecration

(Adapted from Moving Mountains, Chapter 8.) The act of consecration is “repairing the wiring,” the first step, before God’s protection and provision can flow. It is the fresh act of dedicating yourself—or your home, a relationship, a job, your sexuality, whatever needs God’s grace—deliberately and intentionally to Jesus, bringing it fully into his kingdom and under his rule. It seems so obvious, now that we state it, but you would be surprised how often this vital step is overlooked (and then folks wonder why their prayers don’t seem to be effective).

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River of Life Prayer

Over the past couple of years, we have come to the realization that death, in particular, is rampaging upon the earth. I don't refer primarily to physical death. I'm talking about a spirit, a giant foul spirit of death that is wreaking havoc on humanity. Yes, physical death, suicide, those types, but also death in relationship, death in a marriage, death in a dream, death in a ministry, literally trying to bring about "the end of things." We have found it to be very, very helpful to invoke the power of the river of life as our shield from death in this hour.

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Breaking Soul Ties (from WAH Podcast)

I bring the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ between me and [name this person]. As Galatians 6:14 says, I have been crucified to [name them], and they have been crucified to me. So by the cross of Jesus Christ, I break every soul tie and every unholy bond with [name them]. I command their human spirit bound back to their body, and I send all of their sin and warfare and corruption bound back to the throne of Christ in their life. I forbid them or their warfare or their sin to transfer to me. And I allow only the love of God, only the bond of the Holy Spirit, between us.

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St. Patrick’s Breastplate

I arise today Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity. Through belief in the threeness, Through confession of the oneness, Of the Creator of Creation. I arise today Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism, Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial, Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension, Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

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As One - Praying Through Colossians

We are on special assignment by God as part of his master plan. We believe that the Message is true among us—today, just as when we first heard it, that the message of the Kingdom does not diminish or weaken over time. It's the same all over the world. The message of the Kingdom is bearing fruit. It is getting larger and stronger, just as it has in us. Today, God, we're asking you to give us wise minds and spirits attuned to your will, so that we might acquire a thorough understanding of the way in which you work.

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Become Good Soil Prayer

Father, I confess that what I want is for my heart to be made whole and my life to be integrated. I confess that I want the freedom and the restoration of my strength through the integration of the whole person. And I invite you to do it. I invite you to partner with me to become a man who astonishes you because we are united in love and I’ve learned to do nothing apart from you.

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