

God did amazing work in the hearts of the men at the UK Boot Camp in May.  Here is what some of them said about their experience that weekend:

"God met me here in such an intimate and loving way, not unlike renewing my wedding vows."

"This weekend I have encountered God.  I came with mixed expectations and I have been surprised to meet a God that makes me into the man that I truly long to be."

"The true gospel message you are sharing is life to so many men, myself included.  It is very clear from this Boot Camp that your invitation is love for us fallen men and the desire for us to be free to walk in strength that is transformational for us and those around us."

"This weekend has given me hope and reorientation."

"It is very hard to describe a Wild at Heart weekend.  We were safe in the hands of Father, he met with us and showed us men of honor and wise sages that have and are doing it, living the life.  We were given a mission to ride with God our Father.  We are now a band of brothers, soldiers in a war, fans of God.  You cannot understand what it was like without experiencing it first-hand  Come and drink; it’s GREAT!"

We invite you to experience this yourself.  Click here to learn about upcoming Wild at Heart and Captivating events!




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