Section 2: Leader's Guide

There's great power in diving into this journey with like-minded men, with each session taking them deeper into the restoration of their masculine heart. As you begin this study, we recommend that each man have a copy of:

Wild at Heart (book)
Wild at Heart Study Guide

The Field Guide is also available, designed more for personal use or deeper, further study than most groups have time for. It is an option for the men to have a copy, but it's not needed for this study. 

Session 1: The Heart of a Man

Chapters to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapters 1 & 2

About This Session: Masculinity isn't something that is socially created. Gender is from God. He made the masculine heart and set it into every man. From it flows all the things that make your life worth living—friendships, love, adventure, career, dreams, and your relationship with God. It's time to recover your masculine heart.

Initial Welcome: As the group first gathers, start your time with introductions (if people don’t know each other). Begin with yourself (you can share your name, how long you’ve been a follower of Christ, if you have a spouse and/or children, and what you want to learn most from this study.) Going first will put the group more at ease.

After the introductions, jump right into watching the video teaching, getting things started on a strong note:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide (found on page 4) for Session 1 ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you end up only having time to discuss a few of them. However, it can be difficult at this first meeting for the men to want to open up. That's ok. If your group is very large, it may be helpful to break up into smaller groups for the discussion.

As You Close:

  • Remember to end on time, especially this first week. You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 1 (found on page 2 of the Study Guide)
  • Encourage the men to work through the questions in their Study Guide in the coming week. This is designed to take them deeper into the themes from Session 1. The primary goal of this is for personal growth and private reflection.
  • Let the men know it will be helpful to read Chapter 3 in Wild at Heart to prepare for Session 2
Session 2: The Poser

Chapter to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapter 3

About This Session: Every boy has two questions in life: Do I have what it takes? Am I powerful? As men, we stay where we feel powerful—and run from anything that makes us feel weak. We try to become what the world wants. We need to be honest about the Poser we've constructed, name it, face it and lay it down in our search for a deep and genuine strength.

Welcome: If there are new members in your group, take a moment to introduce yourselves to one another before watching the video. We suggest simply sharing your name, some brief details about your life, and why you decided to join this study. If you feel there is time, you can also take a few moments to see if anyone wants to share brief insights from their personal reflection during the previous week—but be careful this doesn't hijack jumping into today's session. Then, watch the Session 2 video:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide (found on page 26) for Session 2 ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you discuss only allows for a few of them. You can also share the most significant point you took away from this session to start everyone out.

As You Close:

  • You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 2 found on page 24 of the Study Guide.
  • Pray—Wrap up your time with prayer, simply talking to God. A few ideas based on the topics of Session 2 can be found on page 28 of the Study Guide.
  • Encourage the men to work through the questions in their Study Guide in the coming week. This is designed to take them deeper into the themes from Session 2, and the primary goal of this is for personal growth and private reflection.
  • Let the men know it will be helpful to read Chapters 4 & 7 in Wild at Heart to prepare for Session 3
Session 3: The Wound

Chapters to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapters 4 & 7

About This Session: In our journey to become a man, we've all taken arrows to the heart. This shapes us into the men we are—and are not. The wounds play out in a variety of ways, from anger and perfectionism to hiding and addictions. Yet the mission of Jesus is all about restoration (Isaiah 61). He came to heal your broken heart and restore you as a son…and as a man.

Welcome: If you feel there is time, take a few moments for men to briefly share any insights from their personal reflection during the previous week—be careful this doesn't hijack jumping into today's session. Then, watch the Session 3 video:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide for Session 3 (found on page 46) ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you discuss only allows for a few of them. You can also share the most significant point you took away from this session to start everyone out.

As You Close:

  • You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 3, found on page 44 of the Study Guide.
  • Pray—Wrap up your time with prayer, simply talking to God. A few ideas based on the topics of Session 3 can be found on page 48 of the Study Guide.
  • Encourage the men to work through the questions in their Study Guide in the coming week. This is designed to take them deeper into the themes from Session 3, and the primary goal of this is for personal growth and private reflection.
  • Let the men know it will be helpful to read Chapters 8 & 9 in Wild at Heart to prepare for Session 4
Session 4: The Battle

Chapters to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapters 8 & 9

About This Session: You have been born into a world at war—and have a role to play in this unfolding story. God, who is a great warrior, created man in his image. He set within each of us a warrior heart so we can join him in his war against evil. Discover how to reawaken this fierce quality hardwired into every man…and recover your warrior heart.

Welcome: If you feel there is time, take a few moments for men to briefly share any insights from their personal reflection during the previous week—be careful this doesn't hijack jumping into today's session. Then, watch the Session 4 video:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide for Session 4 (found on page 70) ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you discuss only allows for a few of them. You can also share the most significant point you took away from this session to start everyone out.

As You Close:

  • You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 4, found on page 68 of the Study Guide.
  • Pray—Wrap up your time with prayer, simply talking to God. A few ideas based on the topics of Session 4 can be found on page 72 of the Study Guide.
  • Encourage the men to work through the questions in their Study Guide in the coming week. This is designed to take them deeper into the themes from Session 4, and the primary goal of this is for personal growth and private reflection.
  • Let the men know it will be helpful to read Chapter 10 in Wild at Heart to prepare for Session 5
Session 5: The Beauty

Chapter to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapter 10

About This Session: Nothing captures the attention of a man like a woman. She is wonderful. She is a mystery. Beauty, Love, Sex—these things run deep in men. Yet Eve also can feel like such a challenge to our masculinity. That's why learning to fight for the heart of a woman and love her courageously are absolutely core to what it means to be a man.

Welcome: If you feel there is time, take a few moments for men to briefly share any insights from their personal reflection during the previous week—be careful this doesn't hijack jumping into today's session. Then, watch the Session 5 video:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide for Session 5 (found on page 92) ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you discuss only allows for a few of them. You can also share the most significant point you took away from this session to start everyone out.

As You Close:

  • You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 5, found on page 90 of the Study Guide.
  • Pray—Wrap up your time with prayer, simply talking to God. A few ideas based on the topics of Session 5 can be found on page 94 of the Study Guide.
  • Encourage the men to work through the questions in their Study Guide in the coming week. This is designed to take them deeper into the themes from Session 5, and the primary goal of this is for personal growth and private reflection.
  • Let the men know it will be helpful to read Chapter 11 in Wild at Heart to prepare for Session 6
Session 6: The Adventure

Chapter to have read for this week: Wild at Heart chapter 11

About This Session: Men are wired for adventure. They come in three different forms—Casual, Crucial and Critical. And the amount of risk you're willing to live with in these categories is a direct correlation to what you believe about God. Find out how to pursue God in the particular adventures that feed and nourish your masculine soul.

Welcome: If you feel there is time, take a few moments for men to briefly share any insights from their personal reflection during the previous week—be careful this doesn't hijack jumping into today's session. Then, watch the Session 6 video:

Discussion: Pick the group discussion questions from the Study Guide for Session 6 (found on page 114) ahead of time that you know you definitely want to cover, just in case you discuss only allows for a few of them. You can also share the most significant point you took away from this session to start everyone out.

A Strong Close:

  • You can close by briefly reviewing the summary of Session 6, found on page 112 of the Study Guide.
  • Pray—Wrap up this time together with prayer, simply talking to God. A few ideas based on the topics of Session 6 can be found on page 116 of the Study Guide.
  • Even though this is the last week of your group meeting together for this particular study, encourage the men to finish strong by working through the questions for Session 6 in their Study Guide in the coming week. 
  • Encourage the men to stay in this message. You may recommend the Field Guide at this point, for continued personal growth, and as a helpful tool to stay in the themes of Wild at Heart with God.