Wild at Heart - Buena Vista Correctional Complex

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Pete Hoppen
Buena Vista, CO United States

I am a Prison Fellowship International volunteer that has had the privilege of the delivering the Wild at Heart DVD program inside the Buena Vista Correctional Facility for the past 5 years.  I run the program as an 8-week class, 10 Boot Camp Live, and the Wild at Heart Advanced class depending on the season I am in with the inmates.

I have access once a week for 2 hours.  I can have a max of 20 men per class and I encourage the offenders to give God genuine and sincere access to their hearts for the duration of the program.  I explain that if they do, they will see God work in their lives like they may have never seen Him work before.  They do, God shows up, and their hearts begin to change.  Lives are changed through a dynamic, intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

I am always interested in talking with men with a heart to deliver this message inside prisons.  I would be available for counsel and mentoring through this process.

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I don't have access to the men in the prison but I do have access to Pete. The heartfelt joy I see as he delivers a message each weak to men is awesome. I have seen Pete's heart grow as well in the process and his desire to reach out and rescue the hearts of men. Keep up the good work Pete!