Ransomed Counseling

(3 reviews) Add a Review
Michael Brackett Jr
Denver, CO United States


Hope, Healing, and Change are possible. Strength can be renewed and hope reclaimed.

We provide counseling services for a variety of needs and we work with individuals, couples, families, and children.

We work with issues related to: trauma, abuse, addictions, identity, sexuality, anxiety, depression, spiritual formation, spiritual direction, play therapy, and the like

We desire to help those seeking healing and restoration. Through a counseling realtionship with the help of our Saviour, that which has plagued the hearts, lives, and minds of those we serve will be addressed and brought into a realm of deliverance and integration. 

Please contact us if you have any questions or want to make an appointment. 

for more information about Mikey and his practice please also visit


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I have often felt with other councilors that I was just a project or a source of revenue but not with Mikey. Mikey genuinely cares for the people he meets with and desires true wholeness for them and believes such wholeness is possible. Since I started meeting with Mikey I can already see changes in the way that I think about and interact with the world around me. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking to live a wholehearted life.
I have learned to trust again because of the love and respect I have received from Mikey. His insight has allowed me to have healthier boundaries with my family and friends. He is truly gifted! I am blessed to have him as my therapist!
That's one of the things I know now after working with Mikey. I thought I was a just going to stay paralyzed by my past, but through the work I'm doing in therapy I'm learning a new way to move forward. I'm on a new journey now and I'm not so afraid anymore.