DAD - The Power and Beauty of Authentic Fatherhood

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Craig Wilkinson
Cape Town, WC South Africa

As a father you are the most powerful man in your children's lives. You are your daughter’s first romance and your son’s first hero. What you do with this incredible privilege will shape your children’s beliefs about themselves and the world and largely determine the trajectory of their lives. It’s never too late to step up to the plate and be the father your children need.

"DAD - The Power and Beauty of Authentic Fatherhood" offers profound insight into manhood and fatherhood. It provides practical wisdom on how to be a great father and live with authentic masculinity.  It gives men the understanding and knowledge they need to be the kind of father every child deserves to have. Filled with cutting edge relevance and rich, real life experiences, DAD will move you, entertain you, challenge you and equip you with invaluable tools to father your children. 


Dad is available on Amazon at the following link

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Awesome work! I love it "You are your daughter’s first romance and your son’s first hero."