Belt of Truth Ministries

(2 reviews) Add a Review
Stephen Kuhn
Eugene, OR United States

Our goal at Belt of Truth Ministries is to provide tools, resources, and community interaction for guys who are struggling to break free from the chains of pornography addiction. Our focus will always begin and end with the truth of the Bible, because we believe it’s the only thing that can truly free you from the source of your struggles (rather than merely dealing with the symptoms).

In addition to our web content, we offer a variety of books and other downloadable resources.

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If you struggle with pornography Steve's book is a valuable resource. Read it and get help in community, you won't find freedom on your own, believe me, I tried.
I started Belt of Truth as a way to help bring this message of an awakened heart to men who struggle with porn and sexual addiction. If there's anything I can do to help you on your journey, feel free to let me know.