(A response to a Captivating Retreat held up in The Rockies)

What can I say? A Christian since I was 20 years old – serving, working, trudging, bearing up under the “Saintly” longsuffering of “a woman of God”, duty, obligation, tiredness, loss. If Christ came to fill us with joy, why was I so worn out and joyless? What was I missing in this? Was heaven my only hope in this life?

Daily category: 



Insomnia has been plaguing me for the last year.  It’s all because of useless worry.  I’m a fixer.  It’s hard for me to let go. 

My dear mom had a stroke and every night I desperately prayed over and over again, “God, what do I do?  I’m a speech pathologist…should I work with her myself?  Find a different rehab program?  Hire someone to come into the home?  I’m listening, God!  Please tell me!”

I had prayed this over and over again, but rarely was quiet enough to hear an answer. 

Daily category: 

