Insomnia has been plaguing me for the last year. It’s all because of useless worry. I’m a fixer. It’s hard for me to let go.
My dear mom had a stroke and every night I desperately prayed over and over again, “God, what do I do? I’m a speech pathologist…should I work with her myself? Find a different rehab program? Hire someone to come into the home? I’m listening, God! Please tell me!”
I had prayed this over and over again, but rarely was quiet enough to hear an answer.
Finally, I shut up. And the answer was there. “Rest. Just rest.”
That’s just like the God I know. He rarely tells me what I’m expecting. It’s always something different.
Rest. Just trust in Him. It’s not up to me to fix things. Just rest. It’s 2 a.m. for heaven’s sake!
I rolled over and went to sleep…safe in His care and His promise that if I come to Him, he will give me rest. And my mom. And my family.
Months later, I can see he’s been working. He hasn’t “fixed” my mom like I envisioned, but he has given her peace and contentment. And he gave our whole family a great gift this Christmas when my mom said, “I’m most thankful…that…I am alive and here.”
Rest. Just rest. And trust God.