“Amazing. Inspired by the men I was around to make war on evil—my own, then the world’s. To work in God's mighty strength, not only mine, to be the best. To live free. To take the adventure. to write a good story with my life. To pursue my wife. To cultivate her beauty. I only knew a few men well going into the retreat. Loved meeting new friends.”
– A. York, New Hampshire, USA
“As a couple in our 80s, we are doing the Wild at Heart Experience together. After all the work, reading, and ministry training over the years, we are still finding another layer in need of healing. Thank you both for your wisdom, anointing, and ability to bring Jesus into our living room.”
– Aaron D., Houston
“I am in the middle of my second time through this material with a new set of men. What I am noticing is how potent it is. It’s like a grenade blowing open doors that have been locked and hidden. As we talked through The Battle last night, I found myself accepting the strength and goodness that God has placed inside of me. I’ve followed what I feel is the Lord’s lead on the timing of this, and He is aligning it with my other works, moving my heart, and doing the same for a man I had never met until four weeks ago.”
– Sam A., Chicago