Bootcamp NW Men's Ministry
OR United States
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Boot Camp Northwest is an organization formed by men who experienced a deep, restorative healing in their lives after attending a conference in Colorado. This was a Wild At Heart conference by Ransomed Heart Ministries, led by author John Eldredge and his ministry team. The men came back to the northwest awakened to the need to help other men understand who they really were – their deepest identities – and what it means to live out an authentic masculine as a Child of God.

After sponsoring a conference based upon Wild at Heart near Portland, Oregon in July 2004, the leadership team decided to form Boot Camp Northwest as an avenue for ministry to men. Since then Boot Camp Northwest has led two to three events every year.  Bootcamp Northwest is not sponsored by nor affiliated with Ransomed Heart Ministries.

While the content of Boot Camp is deeply rooted in Biblical concepts and Christian thought, the events are by no means limited to Christian guests. We feel the material presented transcends any particular denomination and simply speaks to the deeper truths we all can learn about ourselves.

Primary Contact: 
Bootcamp NW Leaders
OR United States