I was having one of those mornings where nothing is going well. There was tension between my husband and I. I was frustrated at our dog. I was running late to work. I had a horrible night sleep. And so on. When I got to work and saw the piles of things that needed my attention I groaned. Out of desperation, I offered the only prayer I thought I could muster, "Please help me, God." I wasn’t really expecting to hear from God on a day like this, but he surprised me with an answer. "Pray the Daily Prayer," he said (it’s a prayer found at the back of Walking With God). Really? I immediately thought of several excuses not to. It’s too long, I don’t have time, and my heart is just really not in it. But with the small hope that something might come of it, I closed my office door and read the prayer out loud. At first it just seemed like plain words being spoken out of sheer obedience. But part way through the prayer, my heart came behind the words. By the end of the prayer, I was centered and ready to face the day knowing that the smaller story I was living prior to the prayer had faded away and I was now walking with God through the day.