I had my first Christmas miracle today!  I was in and out of the DMV in less than 20 minutes having secured the new license plates I needed! (The originals were stolen off of Sam’s car).  I’ve been praying lately that I would see God in new ways.  Praying for a spirit of wisdom and

revelation to know his love more deeply and truly; to see into the spiritual realm more clearly and to walk with Jesus more intimately.  The shortness of the DMV line was a gift.  I see that.  The heart rocks God continues to shower me with are gifts.  I see them as revelations of God’s unconditional love for me.  The ease and depth of conversation around the dinner table with my family…love it.  Recognize it as a gift from my Father’s hand.  Needing to fight for our sleep, love and pray through a weight of oppressive warfare, battle through a pervading sense of disqualification…haven’t seen those as gifts.  Standing against the seemingly endless accusation from the enemy; not enjoying that.  Needing to call child protective services, listening to my friend cry as she tells me of her husband’s betrayal,  learning of the latest drug bust for herion at my son’s school…having trouble recognizing Jesus there.

But he is there.  Jesus not only reigns.  He is reigning.  Not only did he live, he is living. He came.  He is coming still.  Now.  Today.  In all momentsAnd soon, He is coming in the moment we are long awaiting…on a powerful white steed, with justice in his heart, and a flaming sword in his hand.  Halleluia.

Many of those I care for are in times of deep trevail.  They are needing to stand against the world’s tide and the enemy’s assault and rely on God in ways that are difficult but ultimately so very good.  Gee wiz, we all are, aren’t we?  And sometimes, it gets confusing and tiring.  But the fruit, oh the fruit, of pressing into Jesus in the midst of the sorrows of life is pure gold.  Not only for the good of our own deepening faith but for the fellowship of believers cheering us on and the eyes of the world that are always watching.  Like Joseph, we will come to say, the enemy meant it for evil, but our God – the God of the resurrection – meant it for our good and the saving of many lives.

The injustices and suffering in the world are beyond vast.  Heartbreaking.  Overwhelming.  Mind boggling.  You know this.  This earth has deteriorated horrificly.  And it was to this world that Jesus came.   Thank you God for coming!

And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born FOR YOU a Savior who is Christ the Lord!”.  (Luke 2:10)

His coming, his love, his pursuit, his triumph, his great goodness is the Christmas miracle that we celebrate; that opens our eyes, that keeps us breathing and moving forward.  And so I decorate my house for Christmas and I still my heart to make room for the Prince of peace who has come and is coming  again.  I pray.  I wait.  I yearn.  I ache.  I hope.  I believe.  I ask.  I seek.  I bow.  I worship.  I surrender.  I receive.

Come Lord Jesus.  Even so.




About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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