I read on Yahoo news recently about a woman (Ms. Warden) in North Carolina who is spreading the word from her Subaru that Jesus will be returning on May 21st  of this year.  Another ministry devoted to deciphering the scriptures teaches that he’s coming back in 2016.  I forget the exact day.  December 23, 2012 is also a day being offered up for Christ’s imminent and triumphant return as is  May 14thof this year.


From the Spokesman-Review:  “It’s a very jarring thing to be told you have five months on Earth,” admits Warden, 29. “That may interrupt any earthly plan.”

Warden may be making the most attention-getting end-times prediction now going, but it’s hardly the first: In the year 1000, hysteria over Jesus’ return so captivated medieval society that crops went unplanted and criminals were freed from jails.

In 1988, Edgar Whisenant published “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988.” When the year passed with the material world still intact, he followed up with “The Final Shout: Rapture Report 1989.”


The world has heard lots of dire predictions in the past.  No wonder most are skeptical and find this kind of declaration to border the realm of crazy.


However, many if not most biblical scholars well versed in the prophetic believe that the generation who will be alive when Jesus returns is alive now.  They may be twenty years old.  They may be two.  They do not know but they have my attention.  Because we do know that Jesus is returning.  He actually is coming back.  And he urges us in the scriptures to be alert and ready.  Which begs the question, how then are we to live?  How are we to be ready?  What would change in your life if you knew, really knew that Jesus would be coming back to earth in all of his glory in a mere 140 days?  How would you live differently?  What would your prayer life be like?  How would it alter the way that you are seeking first his kingdom?


Well then…


I don’t know the exact date of Christ’s return.  I don’t know if I am going to be alive when he breaks through the Eastern sky or if I will have already crossed over.  I don’t know if I am going to see him face to face in thirty years, thirty days or thirty minutes.  I do know that I am going to see him.  And I want to live my life today and increasingly in a way that not only makes me more ready for that longed for moment but makes other people more ready as well.  Don't you?!


The fact that Jesus is returning is really good news.  REALLY GOOD NEWS!!!   Oh, Jesus, help us to be increasingly alert and ready.  Help us to know you more deeply as you truly are.  As we know you more truly, we love you more deeply, long for you more eagerly, and can't keep ourselves from winsomely telling others about how utterly marvelous you are.  Come Lord Jesus.  Even so!


About Stasi

Stasi Eldredge loves writing and speaking to women about the goodness of God. She spent her childhood years in Prairie Village, Kansas, for which she is truly grateful. Her family moved to Southern California back in the really bad smog days when she was ten. She loved theatre and acting and took a partiality to her now husband John...READ MORE

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