Here’s something I think most people have never seen before. This moment takes place on Easter morning. Jesus of Nazareth has been systematically tortured and then hung by his hands and feet from timbers. He died, and his body quickly laid in a borrowed tomb. But early Sunday morning, the event that changed the history of mankind took place without even a single witness: Jesus was raised from the dead. If it were you, whom would you want to show yourself to first?

He appears first, and privately, to Mary Magdalene.

Mary. This is an incredibly beautiful scene. There must have been something particularly sweet and deep in their relationship for Jesus to have chosen her as the first person he wanted to speak to after coming back to life. And it is this—Jesus’ ability to have intimate relationships with single women—that is really striking. His capacity to engage the opposite sex with absolute integrity and utter fearlessness is incredible. We’ve had presidents who couldn’t be trusted on this front for two minutes; it has been the snare of many a pastor as well. As a result, there is a good deal of fear and awkwardness between men and women who are not married to each other. Especially in the Church. But Jesus is showing that it needn’t even be an issue. Wow!


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