Heroic desires are embedded in the center of the masculine soul. Yet there is also something corrosive at work. Some drive to answer a searing question for which we have no words. Some compulsive need to push and strive that lures us so often to prioritize the things that matter less over the things that should matter most to us.

What are we to make of this dilemma?

If we venture below the surface, into the sacred inner geography of a man's soul, what treasures would we find? What type of rescue mission might we initiate to help recover the life for which we are made? And what would a man trade in exchange for being able to say these words a decade from now:

Circumstances are no less difficult, yet my soul is thriving. 

A courage-filled and cultivated “yes” is at work in my soul. 

My kingdom and those under my care are doing increasingly better. 

My heart is more whole; not only my strength but also my smile has been restored. 

Want more? Click here for this week's Wild at Heart Podcast featuring Morgan's never-before-released teaching from the 2017 Become Good Soil Intensive. Through October 12, we are accepting applications for the 2019 Become Good Soil Intensive. Find out more here.




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