Session 3: The Wound and The Healer

Some women's lives look perfect from a distance. But only from a distance. We all have sorrows and pains. The offer from God is to heal our broken hearts and set free the places that are held captive within us (Isaiah 61). But to be healed, we must let God tenderly open our wounds and expose them to his light, to his love, and to his truth.


Session 2: Fallen Eve

Eve fell to the lies of the enemy because she was convinced that God was holding out on her. We make that same choice today. Having forfeited our confidence in God, we believe that in order to have the life we want, we must take matters into our own hands. So we do…only to then ache with an emptiness nothing seems able to fill.


Session 1: The Heart of a Woman

What did God mean when he meant you? Your feminine heart has been created as a reflection of God's own heart. And though we are all unique, we also each share the same core desires. Discover how every woman longs to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a heroic adventure, and to unveil beauty.


Session 6: The Adventure

Men are wired for adventure. They come in three different forms—Casual, Crucial and Critical. And the amount of risk you're willing to live within these categories is a direct correlation to what you believe about God. Find out how to pursue God in the particular adventures that feed and nourish your masculine soul.


Session 5: The Beauty

Nothing captures the attention of a man like a woman. She is wonderful. She is a mystery. Beauty, Love, Sex—these things run deep in men. Yet Eve also can feel like such a challenge to our masculinity. That's why learning to fight for the heart of a woman and love her courageously are absolutely core to what it means to be a man.


Session 4: The Battle

You have been born into a world at war—and have a role to play in this unfolding story. God, who is a great warrior, created man in his image. He set within each of us a warrior heart so we can join him in his war against evil. Discover how to reawaken this fierce quality hardwired into every man…and recover your warrior heart.


Session 3: The Wound

In our journey to become a man, we've all taken arrows to the heart. This shapes us into the men we are—and are not. The wounds play out in a variety of ways, from anger and perfectionism to hiding and addictions. Yet the mission of Jesus is all about restoration (Isaiah 61). He came to heal your broken heart and restore you as a son…and as a man.


Session 2: The Poser

Every boy has two questions in life. Do I have what it takes? Am I powerful? As men, we stay where we feel powerful—and run from anything that makes us feel weak. We try to become what the world wants. We need to be honest about the Poser we've constructed, name it, face it, and lay it down in our search for a deep and genuine strength.


Session 1: The Heart of a Man

Masculinity isn't something that is socially created. Gender is from God. He made the masculine heart and set it into every man. From it flows all the things that make your life worth living—friendships, love, adventure, career, dreams, and your relationship with God. It's time to recover your masculine heart.


Fathered By God - Session 2 - Closing Thoughts and Prayer

After your discussion of the group questions, you can now play, and end your time with these closing thoughts and prayer for Session 2: Boyhood.  

