In September I completed facilitating a Wild at Heart Boot Camp (used the DVDs) at a Federal prison at Ft. Dix in New Jersey. I had 15 guys in the class, 12 of them were Christian, one guy is Jewish, one Native American (practices their spiritual beliefs) and one Asatru (also called Odonists – they believe in the Viking gods.)
I could write page after page about the experience, about what happened. Best to just leave it at – God showed up, guys got healed, love was shared, lives were changed. Of all of the guys who lives were changed, it may actually be mine that was changed the most. I highly recommend facilitating the program, the experience takes your understanding of the material, and potential application of the material to a whole new level.
When I asked the guys for feedback at the end of the program, the most significant response I got was – “This book seems like it was written just for us.” When you consider where they are, when you consider that they are not only prisoners physically but also prisoners spiritually and emotionally, and you realize the freedom and hope they got from the program, then you truly understand what that comment means. They were all very thankful to John for writing Wild at Heart and thankful for the Boot Camp program.
- Stan