Mandy's Mentoring for Teens & Young Adults
Minneapolis, MN United States
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On my journey as an educator, ministry leader, speaker, and spiritual-reflection facilitator, I have had the privilege and joy of walking alongside teens and young adults for 25+ years.

Through Mandy's Mentoring I provide mentorship and pastoral counsel to teens and young adults who desire to do any of the following:

  • Work through challenges
  • Overcome anxiety and fear
  • Heal from past wounds
  • Strengthen communication skills
  • Grow in God-given identity
  • Increase intimacy with God

When deemed fitting, I utilize the Four Streams, Listening Prayer, Healing Prayer, and/or Integration Work.

I offer a free initial 15-minute consultation, so please contact me if you or someone you know might benefit from meeting with me!

Mandy Nelson, M.A. • •

Empowering Ranch • • •

Primary Contact: 
Mandy Nelson
Minneapolis, MN United States