Katherine French-Ewing, MA, LPC, CCTP
Firestone, CO United States
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Picture a still pond.  Now imagine throwing a large stone into the water.  See those ripples?  Those represent our choices and thoughts.  What would the Lord say about your ripple effect?  How are you showing up in this season for others?  

Through a gentle healing modality called brainspotting, we invite the Lord to illuminate the lies and wounds that have become stored inside us at a very deep level.  Then as he replaces the old with His truth, people encounter new levels of JOY and FREEDOM!

In turn, from this new place of thriving in life and accelerated spiritual growth, we get to pour into others in new ways.  Our jar is overflowing instead of offering drips or completely dry.  We learn to trust God in new ways and we take the weapon of the enemy out of his hand when we take our wounds, trauma, and fragmented pieces to the Lord.

If this approach is resonating with you and your reside in Colorado, please reach out anytime for your free consultation.  Wild at Heart friends receive a special discount so please be sure to let me know that you found my profile here.

*At this time, I am offering soul care video sessions from the convenience of your phone or laptop as well as in person options at a local church.  If you have Medicaid or Medicare, please contact your provider for counselor recommendations.  I am private pay only and as such do not work with insurance.

Peace be with you!

Primary Contact: 
Katherine French-Ewing
Firestone, CO United States
Virtual Gathering Connection Information: 

Presently, I am working with people in an individual counseling capacity from a secure online platrform as well as in person. The portal I utilize enables secure message sharing, e-signing of documents, and electronic billing.  Plus, you can connect with me from the comfort of your environment.  M-Th day times are available and some evenings are open upon request.  Reach out for your free consultation anytime. God bless!

Hope into Light Counseling