Live BASIC Boot Camps - Hosted by Being Sons/Alamo Band of Brothers
May 05, 2023 to May 07, 2023
San Antonio, TX United States
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Most men wake up one day to find they're not who they want to be. if you have felt this way, you're not alone. Since 2008 The Alamo Band of Brothers (ABOB) has been hosting live BASIC and ADVANCED boot camps inspired and modeled after those hosted by Wild at Heart in Colorado. This eventually birthed Being Sons, which hosts monthly campfires in San Antonio and joy-filled equipping adventures for fathers and their children

You are meant to live in union with God, as Father and son. You are aren't meant to do it alone, so come journey with us and let's take this journey together. 

Find out more and register here: http://www.beingsons.com

Primary Contact: 
Jay Heck
San Antonio, TX United States