Being Sons - FIRST TRACKS Base Camp for Fathers with Sons (age 9-13)
October 20, 2023 to October 22, 2023
San Antonio, TX United States
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EQUIPPING YOU AND YOUR SON FOR THE JOURNEY THROUGH MANHOOD. (For fathers with sons age 9-13) Your son's last years at home are slipping through your fingers and you want to make sure you've done all you can to help him grow into spiritual and emotional maturity. First Tracks Base Camp is an adventure that will equip you as a father to understand your son's needs, affirm your love for him, and prepare him to be an authentic man who looks to God as a loving and trustworthy Father. Even if you were not well prepared for manhood yourself, we will help equip you to skillfully guide your son through the early stages of the masculine journey. This is the perfect time to make decisive course corrections before larger issues arise. 

Hosted at Camp Eagle in Rocksprings, TX

Primary Contact: 
Jay Heck
San Antonio, TX United States