Band of Brothers Video Series -- host Ozarks Barnabas
Saint James, MO United States
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May 2019

2 video sessions per meeting

meet 1-2 times per week.

St. James MO 65559

This concept of "fighting to stay at the lowest seat of the table until our father makes it impossible anymore" is really new to me.  Normally....I see something and I go for it.  A self-made man.....and all the dysfunction that goes along with that lifestyle.  After 2 Boot Camps and 1 Advanced Boot Camp I've learned to recognize my posing and false self (at least enough to know who I think I am today is not the truest man God knows me to be).  Along this route I've actively changed my choices.  Namely to step back and follow.  In staff meetings, certainly.  I sit on my hands...sometimes literally, when new projects are proposed and the CEO is looking for project leads to take them and run with them.  But I also actilvely wait and listen....practicing listening for what I am to do and then doing THAT.  Sometimes the choice is what I would have done before, often it is not.  Occasionally the fruit is good and plentiful, more often then not the fruit is sufficient to show me I'm on the right trail....and sometimes its a total bust and turns out to be similar dead-end alley's I've been down before.  


I'm open to the fruit of this to be any one of those experiences.  


I live in rural the northern tip of the Ozark mountains.  I've waited to follow others...even met for a year with a small group (3 other men) who are Boot Camp Alumni.  But we allowed the busyness of every day life to disband us/fell to temptations set by our collective enemy.


In the mean time my wife and I bought and remodeled the house across from us and turned it into an Air B&B.

I've also acquired, during a fire sale of sorts, RH video series materials.

So this gives me a PLACE and the MATERIAL to host men's event. 

TIME is the last piece to this puzzle.....and I can no longer run from this, so I am scheduling this activity.


What I am seeking is a small group of men, interested in living more authentically but being open to discovering another layer of posing....but who won't get rattled to the core at that discovery.  I still get rattled...but not like I did 5 years ago.  It's freaky to see how one can decieve himself.  We have a crafty enemy and, alone, I am easy prey.


Thats what I'm offering.  A gathering spot and leadership for a group of no more than 8.


There will be no cost....I will cover the materials and snacks.  


i've never done this before....but would like to try two video sessions per meeting, in MAY and meet 1-2 times per week.  I'd like to keep the exact dates and times open until I get at least 2 men interested in this.  At that time we will formalize dates and times.


If no interest at this time, I will try again in June-July are busy times at work for me.  Or.....perhaps....another will offer something like this and I once again follow.



Primary Contact: 
Terry Gordon
Saint James, MO United States