Becoming a King Retreat
October 12, 2023 to October 15, 2023
Shaftesbury, DOR United Kingdom
Hosted by Richard Ellison, Andrew Walsh, David Candlin, Steve Normington & Nelson Devitt

What is a Becoming a King Retreat? 

The Becoming a King retreat is a shared experience of the like-hearted choosing to become the kind of men to whom God is glad to entrust the care of His Kingdom.

What can I receive through a Becoming a King Retreat? 

Every boy knows he was made to be powerful. As an acorn carries the blueprint of the oak tree, so the heart of every boy holds the possibility of becoming a wholehearted king whose strength brings goodness to all under his care. Yet the headlines often confirm what we know too well from our own stories: the anguished consequences of masculine power gone awry.
Curated and distilled over two decades, the message of Becoming a King offers a path to restore the hearts of men in the image of our strong, present, wise, and loving God. 

What would it be like to become the kind of man who has nothing to fear, nothing to hide, and nothing to prove? Join Morgan Snyder and men from across the globe as they venture together to recover strength, and restore your heart as a man.


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For More Information and to Register Please Contact

Richard Ellison

Additional Information for this Becoming a King Retreat

12th - arrival 16.15-18.00

15th - depart by 12.00 if you need to be away


We don't want any man to be put off by the cost - so if you need to talk to one of our team about what is affordable for you please do and we will help. Otherwise, costs are as follows:

Happy to share a room - £295
Single room preferred - £360

This gets you everything you will need once you arrive - meals, materials, facilities and a place to rest your head in a beautiful location

We are asking for the full amount to be paid upfront as spaces are limited and we need to make a financial commitment to Lox Lane in order to secure the booking. That said, if something comes up after paying that prevents your attendance, we will do our best to refund the costs, provided we get a refund from Lox Lane. Needless to say, we encourage you to prayerfully be all in from day one.

Please confirm your attendance by replying to via email ( and send your payment to:

Andrew Walsh
Account Number: 337 99 876
Sort Code: 07-01-16

What will I need to bring?

Bring yourself, an open heart, something to write with, the scriptures and clothes you are comfortable in - there will be some free time and the opportunity to be outside

Practices to help us slow down and hear God

The retreat will be a media free zone and we will have safe storage for all of your devices (phone, tablets iwatches etc)- there will be an emergency number manned so your loved ones can reach you in case of need.

As men we so often credentialise ourselves by our job - so we each commit to being a Chimney Sweep for the retreat and talking about our job as our sweep if we need to to tell our story - we all come as equals made in the imago dei - the image of God

Who will be there and how many?

Honestly we don't know -God does. But what can we tell you now? We expect between 15-25 men but can cater for up to roughly double that. We have invited Men we know and have journeyed with us first but this is also a public event open to those seeking the BAKR retreat on the Wild at Heart Website. The retreat will be public from shortly after the Coronation weekend.

Men from 18 upwards are welcome.

BECOMING A KING RETREAT- Shaftesbury, DOR, GB | Richard Ellison