To conclude this series, Morgan offers a substantive prayer for men who long to become good soil in every area of their lives...
October 26, 2015
The most important thing is who you are becoming. While most men are busy building their own kingdoms, Morgan Snyder reveals ...
October 19, 2015
Every man longs to be powerful. Yet how do we become the kind of man to whom God can entrust his kingdom? In this first of th...
October 12, 2015
John Eldredge and Dan Allender reveal how understanding your story and accessing the presence of Jesus are essential for the ...
October 5, 2015
When life is hard, do you feel you must be doing something wrong? In the second half of this series, Stasi Eldredge and the W...
September 28, 2015
Life is good...and it is hard. As maturing believers, we have many opportunities to choose our hard. Stasi Eldredge and the W...
September 21, 2015
Morgan and Allen share how they are actively fathering their sons in the journey from boyhood to manhood.
September 14, 2015
John and Stasi open their journals from this summer, revealing God's radical invitation for believers to live in perfect onen...
September 7, 2015
John and Stasi reveal how their pursuit of "sabbath space" this summer led to even greater intimacy with God.
August 31, 2015
Craig and Allen discuss a psalm that reveals how to walk through life with God rather than as an orphan.
August 24, 2015
Craig, Rielynn, and Allen discuss the joy of celebrating life with a few close friends who know your story and what makes you...
August 17, 2015
John concludes this 1997 Sacred Romance series with a message of hope titled "Paradise Regained."
August 10, 2015
How do we find God in the desert places? Brent Curtis discusses "Desert Communion" in this message recorded prior to the 1997...
August 3, 2015
John Eldredge shares the message "Life on the Road" in this talk recorded prior to the 1997 release of The Sacred Romance.
July 27, 2015
The issue of "Less-Wild Lovers" is Brent's focus in this 1997 conference message that preceded the book release The Sacred Ro...
July 20, 2015
Who are we and what is our role in the story? John Eldredge addresses the "Life of the Beloved" in this conference talk from ...
July 13, 2015