In this last session, John, Stasi, and Morgan reveal how divine intrusions and supernatural provisions factor into a sustaina...
April 10, 2017
John, Stasi, and Morgan share practical ways to avoid "running on empty" during the busy seasons of life.
April 3, 2017
In this first of a three-part series, John, Stasi and Morgan discuss the cumulative effect of endless expectations to go fast...
March 27, 2017
This final segment of the series focuses on practical ways to restore and revitalize your marriage.
March 20, 2017
Imagine you and your spouse being mutual advocates for each other and your marriage. It begins by shifting your focus from th...
March 13, 2017
John and Stasi are joined by Allen and Kellye for a candid conversation on overcoming conflicts husbands and wives face in ma...
March 6, 2017
John and Stasi share stories about being grandparents and how this is new frontier for them.
February 27, 2017
God's advance words can rescue us from so many situations – once we learn to ask for them.
February 6, 2017
How does it look like to fully pursue your talents and interests with God? Allen kicks off this conversation on creativity wi...
January 30, 2017
Stasi Eldredge and Cherie Snyder reveal the impact of trauma on our bodies, minds, and hearts – as well as ways we can experi...
January 23, 2017
Bart Hansen reveals the unique ways God invites men into a life of adventure.
January 16, 2017
Are you hungry for this year to be different? Morgan and Allen discuss how to approach 2017 with the singular goal of seeking...
January 9, 2017
John, Morgan, and Allen share ways to intentionally invite God into this new year – from consecrating your calendar to listen...
January 2, 2017
In this interlude between Christmas and the New Year, John and Stasi discuss how to intentionally fill your days with grace a...
December 26, 2016
John shares how to consecrate your heart this Christmas by inviting Jesus to bless what you have while also coming into your ...
December 19, 2016
John and Stasi offer ways to care for your heart during the non-stop rush of holiday demands, expectations, and longings.
December 12, 2016