Few things will facilitate our masculine initiation more deeply than offering strength, love, and service on behalf of other ...
January 3, 2023
We hear another fresh batch of stories from the frontlines of the Becoming a King Retreat. The post https://becomegoodsoil...
January 18, 2023
The Becoming a King Retreat is an invitation back onto the narrow path that leads to life. The post https://becomegoodsoil.c...
January 30, 2023
Let God use Jared’s story to shine a light into your heart as you attune to who God wants to be for you and what he is callin...
February 14, 2023
How do we participate in a process through which every disintegrated and fractured part can be brought back into alignment an...
February 28, 2023
A few BGS Intensive alumni give us an in-depth look at parts work in the intersection of our daily lives. The post https://...
March 14, 2023
It is the wholehearted soul who is truly free and able to let God be the center of his story. The post https://becomegoodsoi...
March 28, 2023