And Sons Podcast: Episodes 193 to 208 of 243

Show Episodes: Sequentially | By Quarter | By Year
51 | The Stories Our Culture is Telling, and What That Reveals

And Sons Podcast

51 | The Stories Our Culture is Telling, and What That Reveals

From fiction to film to television, cultures across time have been creating a narrative for the public. National identities, ...

April 10, 2018

50 | Income, Wealth, and Contentment

And Sons Podcast

50 | Income, Wealth, and Contentment

You've probably made some assumptions by the title alone, but this episode is around conversations that we seem to keep havin...

April 3, 2018

49 | Sam Ainslie: The Soul at Work

And Sons Podcast

49 | Sam Ainslie: The Soul at Work

Sometimes the easiest sages to miss are the ones already in your life—we work hard to avoid that mistake, and today we sat do...

March 27, 2018

48 | Male Friendship: In the Studio with Alex and Morgan

And Sons Podcast

48 | Male Friendship: In the Studio with Alex and Morgan

What do two decades of friendship look like? How is it even possible these days, with travel, life changes, and the difficult...

March 20, 2018

47 | Five Agreements that are Killing Millennials (Part 2)

And Sons Podcast

47 | Five Agreements that are Killing Millennials (Part 2)

In Part 2, Padre joins Sam and Blaine to finish their conversation on social and personal agreements that are killing millenn...

March 13, 2018

46 | Five Agreements that are Killing Millennials (Part 1)

And Sons Podcast

46 | Five Agreements that are Killing Millennials (Part 1)

"I fear the worst has happened. You are losing heart, may have already lost it altogether." This weeks conversation with Padr...

March 6, 2018

45 | Thirty (ish) Minutes of Questions

And Sons Podcast

45 | Thirty (ish) Minutes of Questions

We needed something lighter this week, so we thought we'd practice the act of conversation. How to ask good questions and whe...

February 27, 2018

44 | Michael John Cusick: Sex, the Soul, Addiction, and Longing for God

And Sons Podcast

44 | Michael John Cusick: Sex, the Soul, Addiction, and Longing for God

Michael Cusick is a counselor, lecturer, and the founder of Restoring the Soul, a ministry addressing sexual addiction throug...

February 20, 2018

43 | Don't Waste Your Pain

And Sons Podcast

43 | Don't Waste Your Pain

It's a simple concept, that when we experience seasons or days or hours that make us uncomfortable or are filled with pain of...

February 13, 2018

42 | WAH Bootcamp: The Young Men's Session

And Sons Podcast

42 | WAH Bootcamp: The Young Men's Session

This week: a sneak peek into the young men's session at the February 2018 Boot Camp in Colorado. It's the And Sons message al...

February 6, 2018

41 | The Brain, Experience, and Screens

And Sons Podcast

41 | The Brain, Experience, and Screens

We go a little deep this week, into the roots of why we are the way we are as a social media society, what philosophies got u...

January 30, 2018

40 | Why Spirituality is so Difficult for Men

And Sons Podcast

40 | Why Spirituality is so Difficult for Men

John Eldredge, also known as "Padre" around the And Sons world, joins Sam and Blaine as they begin the conversation around ma...

January 23, 2018

39 | How to Respond to Trauma

And Sons Podcast

39 | How to Respond to Trauma

It's the phone call, the text, the "mayday" from a friend or family member that changes everything. You jump in the car to me...

January 16, 2018

38 | You Need A Budget: Jesse Mecham

And Sons Podcast

38 | You Need A Budget: Jesse Mecham

This episode is not an advertisement. Money and budgeting are usually more complicated than issues of dollars and cents, ther...

January 9, 2018

37 | Morgan Snyder and the Possibility of Initiation

And Sons Podcast

37 | Morgan Snyder and the Possibility of Initiation

There are many things that we need in life, Maslow's Hierarchy and all that, but some things stand out on their own. Initiati...

January 2, 2018

36 | Living Embodied : Shame, Opposition, and the Call to Risk

And Sons Podcast

36 | Living Embodied : Shame, Opposition, and the Call to Risk

After the triathlon nerd-out episode, we realized nobody's story of adventure and exercise begins at the starting line. For m...

December 5, 2017

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