


We’re assuming you stopped in because you’ve seen the Epic Podcast (by John Eldredge) and are searching for more – more on the Story, more clarity on your own place in it, perhaps more on how to share this with others. So, if you haven’t seen the Epic Podcast and somehow
stumbled onto this page some other way, we recommend starting with the podcast or with reading the book Epic. After all, what you've seen in the podcast is just a preview and a lot of what we offer here won’t make a lot of sense until you’ve read Epic or seen the entire DVD Presentation!

Throughout the year John sends out newsletters about his recent
thoughts and the ministry's recent history. You can sign up to receive our newsletter by creating an online profile here.

Enough said. Let’s continue.

John wrote Epic primarily to help you share the Story with
others--both with Christians still trapped in the religious Matrix and
with yet-to-believe folks who might not have a real idea what
Christianity is all about.

There is so much more to discover in this journey we are
taking. More of the beauty of the Gospel to unveil. More of your own
story to uncover and understand. More wisdom for the road. More cunning
for the Battle.

We are constantly learning more, and we ever want to be so. We want
to encourage you to go deeper as well. Why, we’ve only scratched the
surface! So explore this web site (which we are constantly developing, by the way) we
want to point you towards resources that will help you find that “more”
you are looking for.



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