Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in you. (Psalm 143:8–9)

David wrote this—the man who could often be found hiding in the desert, in the forest, on the mountain. He was no coward. He was no fool. Nor was Jesus, who practically begs you to hide yourself in him. Six times in the opening lines of John 15 he urges us to “remain in me,” then caps it off a seventh time with “Remain in my love” (v. 9).

As men and women warriors we must not always live at war. Your enemy will first try to prevent you from embracing the warrior within. If he fails at that, he will then try to bait you into battles that you should not take on or bury you in battle after battle. There is a time to take refuge.
It’s a choice, a posture of heart, a prayer, and a practice. We pray to receive him as our refuge. We bring reality into being. God is ever present to be our refuge, but he never forces it upon anyone. As soon as our hearts turn his direction for refuge, he is there to become so to us.

I give myself to you, Father. I consecrate my life to you again, body, soul, and spirit. I take refuge in you. I take refuge in your love.

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