Daily Reading

The Allure of Holiness

May 11, 2024

If you want to turn your children off to Jesus, ignore holiness (or choose the technical rule-keeping impostor). Be a jerk and then insist the family pray at mealtimes; let them see you lie to your boss or your aging parents and then insist you all go to church. Want to turn your neighbors off to Christianity? Let them see you yell something nasty at your dog, then head off all dressed up for Sunday morning service. It is the lack of holiness that has clouded our “witness” in this world. Thank God the opposite holds true as well: the beauty of the lives of God’s true friends is the sweetest and most winsome argument for Jesus there could ever be.

I love the people I get to work with at Wild at Heart. They are some of the finest people I have ever had the honor of knowing. What joy it brings me to hear from the folks who attend our events that it was the lives of my friends that brought them to Jesus Christ. “I saw the beauty of their marriage.” “I saw the beauty of their walk with God.” “They were so kind to me.” “They are so filled with integrity and strength.” “It was their generosity.” Wow. Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t that just how it should be? I feel like David, who wrote, “As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight” (Psalm 16:3). We are meant to be the glorious ones, friends.

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