Daily Reading

Listen for the Trumpet

December 27, 2018

What is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Indeed, you are our glory and joy. (1 Thessalonians 2:19–20)

Where is this supposed coming? The current expression of that is often: “But every age has thought Jesus was about to show up. It might take another thousand years.” It sounds so reasonable. Yes, every age has thought that Christ would return any moment, and they were right to do so because “any moment” could have been their moment. They were right to have expected his return because they were commanded to by Christ himself. They were wise to do so because it’s the antidote to so many harmful things; when it’s embraced that the master is still far off, the heart turns toward indulgences of this world, trying to slake kingdom thirst with everything within reach.

Friend, turn your soul toward meditating on Christ’s return. As we draw closer to the Day itself, the church begins to turn its focus from “heaven” to the coming kingdom, the restoration of all things. (The church at the end of Revelation is crying out for his return!) I guarantee you one thin — we are closer now than ever before. There is every reason to expect to hear that trumpet blast any day. If what this world is going through does not count as birth pangs, I honestly don’t know what will.

Are you looking for signs of Christ’s return? We are supposed to be; in fact, we are commanded to! Begin to turn your heart toward the return of Jesus right now—what if it happened today?!

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