Daily Reading

God's Creative Order

December 19, 2018

“Look ahead with joy. Anticipate what I’m creating.” (Isaiah 65:18 The Message)

Certainly storytelling is one of the great pleasures in the kingdom. Would you like to write? Illustrate? Act? Produce? These are not obliterated when you step into the life to come; God renews all things. Dallas Willard assures:

We will not sit around looking at one another or at God for eternity but will join in the endlessly ongoing creative work of God. It is for this that we were each individually intended, as both kings and priests (Exodus 19:6; Revelation 5:10). ... A place in God’s creative order has been reserved for each one of us from before the beginnings of cosmic existence. His plan is for us to develop, as apprentices to Jesus, to the point where we can take our place in the ongoing creativity of the universe.

Just as Adam and Eve were commissioned to, only this time around on a higher level, with greater powers, creatively engaged in very real and tangible things. You eat in the city; surely the joy of eating doesn’t end with the feast. Who grows the food? Who brings it to market? What chefs prepare it? It’s unlike God to just “zap” these things into existence while you sit around doing nothing. No, friend, he creates you to create — in your full glory.

If God allows our gifts to be fully used in his coming kingdom, what gifts would you love to bring to the Story? What would you love to do?

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