Daily Reading

Your Heart Can Be Pure

December 16, 2018

“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8 NLT)

According to the Scriptures, the heart can be troubled, wounded, pierced, grieved, even broken. How well you know that. Thankfully, it can also be cheerful, glad, joyful, rejoicing. The heart can be whole or divided — as in “Well, part of me wants to, but the other part of me doesn’t.” It can be wise or foolish. It can be steadfast, true, valiant. (All of these descriptions can be found by perusing the word heart in any concordance.) It can also be frightened, cowardly, wandering, dull, proud, hardened. Wicked and perverse. I think you know that as well.

But friend, according to Jesus, your heart can also be pure. The Bible sees the heart as the source of all creativity, courage, and conviction. It is the source of your faith, your hope, and of course, your love. It is the “wellspring of life” within you (Proverbs 4:23), the center of your being, the fount of your life.

There is no escaping the centrality of the heart. God knows that; it’s why he made it the central theme of the Bible, just as he placed the physical heart in the center of the human body. The heart is central; to find your life, you must make it central again.

Jesus — I keep losing track of my heart every week. Thank you that you keep calling me back. Where am I needing to “come back” today, Lord?

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