Daily Reading

Let Hope Rise

October 16, 2024

Our hope is meant to be the anchor of our souls, to keep us steady in the middle of the storms of life. It is set firmly within the truth that Jesus is trustworthy. He has promised us that He is returning and that, when He does, He will make all things right, all things well, and all things new.

He will bring us home, to the true home our hearts long for.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:1–3) 

We received Christ by faith, and we are meant to enjoy Him utterly. We are meant to know and experience joy and to live with the vibrant hope of the glory that is going to be revealed when Jesus returns. Dear ones, He is returning. Say it out loud. Remind yourself.

We can live with a defiant joy because our happily ever after is on its way. In Jesus our life is unending and, at the renewal of all things, the life we long for is coming.

Really. Honestly. Truly.

Yours is no ethereal hope of a next life spent floating in the clouds singing hymns while strumming a harp. Yours is not a future of standing at a distance among the gathering of saints crammed together in the throne room. Yours is not a future where you will be shamed by a giant movie screen replaying your every secret moment before a huge crowd who gasps at your sins. This is not an unending life where you will spend eternity doing something so other than what you now know and enjoy that you simply are unable to imagine it, let alone hope for it. 
When Jesus returns, you will be transformed, but you won’t be transformed into an angel. You will still be you.  Only made perfect. None of the struggles you battle with here will be yours to contend with any longer. Think on that. You will be finally and fully free. You will be all that you were created to be. Your loved ones, too, will at last be utterly and completely whole and free. Let hope rise.

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