Daily Reading

I Hate Money. But I like to Eat.

August 7, 2023

The book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.
[Sam]  I hate money. But I like to eat. I want a cell phone so people can get in touch with me. I want to take Susie out on a date. I’d really prefer to sleep indoors. And to do all that I need money. My friends are selling out for money, or denying money and living like they’re back in the 60s. I hate the way it messes everything up. Maybe money really is the root of all evil. 

[John]   I hear you. Money is messy, and down the road when you start adding a wife and kids into the equation, money gets messy and urgent. But it’s also very clarifying — I mean, nothing can sort out your priorities more quickly than money. That’s what the scripture was trying to address when it said that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10, emphasis added). Money itself is not evil — greed is. Men leveled the rain forests out of greed, with no thought for the future or the ethics of what they were doing; they raped the oceans for the same reasons. Sweatshops, child labor — all those injustices that make your generation so righteously pissed — those are the result of greed. The issue is lust, gluttony, excess — that is the root of all evil. Not money. Greed.

Want more? Order your copy of Killing Lions today
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