Daily Reading

Expecting Great Things

August 3, 2023

Our search for the Golden Moment is not a search in vain; not at all. We've only had the timing wrong. We do not know exactly how God will do it, but we do know this: the kingdom of God brings restoration. The only things destroyed are the things that are outside God's realm—sin, disease, death. But we who are God's children, the heavens and the earth he has made, will go on. "The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together" (Isa. 11:6). "And Jerusalem will be known as the Desirable Place," the place of the fulfillment of all our desires (Isa. 62:12 NLT). This is significant because it touches upon the question: What will we do in eternity? If all we've got are halos and harps, our options are pretty limited. But to have the whole cosmos before us — wow. Thus George MacDonald writes to his daughter, whom he will soon lose to tuberculosis:

"I do live expecting great things in the life that is ripening for me and all mine — when we shall have all the universe for our own, and be good merry helpful children in the great house of our father. Then, darling, you and I and all will have the grand liberty wherewith Christ makes free  opening his hand to send us out like white doves to range the universe." (The Heart of George MacDonald)

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