Daily Reading

A Vital Act

June 14, 2024

In our eagerness to see good happen, Christians often jump straight into praying, without first pausing and aligning ourselves with Jesus —l ike a trombone player who simply starts playing her part without waiting for the conductor; or an athlete who skips all his normal stretches and warm-ups and tries to hurl himself into the game from a cold start. This might be the number one error made by earnest folk. Remember — there is a way things work. We are in a collision of kingdoms, and it takes intentionality to bring things under and into the kingdom of God.
The act of consecration is the fresh act of dedicating yourself — or your home, a relationship, a job, your sexuality, whatever needs God’s grace — deliberately and intentionally to Jesus, bringing it fully into his kingdom and under his rule. It seems so obvious, now that we state it, but you would be surprised how often this vital step is overlooked (and then folks wonder why their prayers don’t seem to be effective).
It is the beginning of a whole new life in your wholeness.
Anywhere and everywhere you want to experience the fullness of God’s protection and provision, the life and goodness of the kingdom of God, it will help you to consecrate whatever is in question.

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