Daily Reading
Find God Where He Lives
March 25, 2025
Now — to find God, I have to look where God is. This might help folks who report that God “seems distant,” or as a friend recently commented (with a touch of cynicism), “He doesn’t seem to come around much.” If I want to find a hawk I look up in the sky, near the mountains where the thermals create an updraft. If I want to find our dog I simply have to find Stasi — he is usually curled up at her feet. Those who would find God must look where he lives — must live in the same manner, for the same things, for the same reasons. “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16).
Every time we choose to love, we take a step closer to God; it’s like he’s right there. Every time we choose something else, we take a step away.
I want God, so I choose love.
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Every time we choose to love, we take a step closer to God; it’s like he’s right there. Every time we choose something else, we take a step away.
I want God, so I choose love.
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