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Fashionista NOT

Stasi Eldredge

October 15, 2009

I’m going to make a confession.  Big breath.  Here goes.  I like jumpers.  There I said it.  I have a friend, a very beautiful, style concious, always looks SO good friend, who told me several years ago that I needed to “lose the jumpers”.  I haven’t.  I have four of them in my closet – one is 12 years old – it’s a jean overall well worn comfortable thingy and well, yes, it was my daily uniform for a couple of years.  But it’s so versatile!  Really!  I love it.   I can’t  let it go.  It would be like letting go of an era.  My sons childhood.


Then I have a newer jean jumper that I fit into sometimes.  Currently it fits.  It’s actually better if it doesn’t.  I have two more for dressier occasions.


So there.  I like them.  I think they look stylish.  They’re easy and comfortable and hide a multitude of sins.


But oh dear, I don’t want to be a woman who holds onto her treasured past and precious memories by not moving on in her personal life and style.  A few years ago I found a picture of me from the fourth grade and realized, “I still have the same hairstyle!”. 




I read an article in the doctor’s office a while back interviewing Susan Lucci, the famous femme fatale of daytime television.  She explained that one of the ways her charachter stays so attractive is that she constantly updates her hairstyle to be current with the trends of today.


 Huh again.


 What a balancing act we walk as women.  We want to be attractive.  We want to take care of ourselves and our appearance because we matter.  We matter to God!  But we don’t want to get overzealously focused on our appearance to the detriment of what matters most, our life with Jesus.  Nor to we want to swallow hook, line and sinker, the downhill flow of worldly fashion. 


I love this quote by Edith Head, famous fashion designer for the movies for decades.  “Your dress should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady.”


Sadly, she didn’t say anything about hair.  Or jean jumpers.  I will ask God.  He’ll hold my hand on this tight rope.


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