Articles & Posts


Stasi Eldredge

December 11, 2009


About ten years ago or so, I  told God that I would offer anything from my life story to others that he asked me to if it would help them know him better, experience more hope and healing, love Jesus more.  Really, it was simply a deeper surrender to the One I belong to. 


And God has asked me to share.  And sometimes, it has been really, really hard.  But I have been blessed to see LIFE come out of it.


God asked John and I to write a book on marriage and share our journey and what we have learned.  So we did.  It’s the most honest, vulnerable thing either of us have written and our earnest prayer is that God uses it in people’s lives for his amazing, beautiful purposes.  We’re actually pretty confident that he will.  J


That said, I can only say, “Yikes!” and “You go GOD!”.


Tuesday, December 15th is the launch date for Love & War!  To kick things off, John and I are doing this live webcast interview chat thing that anyone who has access to internet can watch online!  Oh, please join us!  We’ll just be talking.  Sharing. Taking questions.  It’ll help calm me down to know that we are talking with you! We are actually pretty excited about this!  God cares so deeply about our marriages!  There is so much hope; for all of us!


So below is the link to the webcast deal.  It’s at 7pm MST.  Come on by!   And oh, Jesus, be glorified in all we say and do!


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