November 29, 2009
This year seems to be on a bobsled race. It is rushing past me at an ever increasing speed such that I can barely see what is passing. It is Christmastime already. Today is the first Sunday of Advent.
A young woman behind the coffee counter said to me this week that she is not looking forward to the time in her life when the holidays mean work, not joy. Something in my earlier overwhelmed response to her had cued her in to my state of mind. I want the holidays to mean joy too! But honestly, my spirit was not excited about the season we are entering into but rather dreading it.
Selecting, purchasing, wrapping, mailing thoughtful, meaningful presents on a limited budget. Decorating, baking, creating a warm holiday atmosphere…Christmas cards, letters, notes, stocking stuffers…creating space for my family to rest, catch their spiritual breath and look to Jesus…
Sadly, it doesn’t sound fun to me. It sounds like work; a job that I don’t currently feel up to.
With my heart discouraged, I went and worshiped God and then poured out my heart to Him. Here’s what I wrote in my journal.
“Lord, it is a lot of work and I get stressed. Now we are entering Advent and Christmas. And I feel such pressure. To make it lovely, holy, meaningful, traditional, warm, safe, cozy, smell good, relaxed, happy, festive, pretty – and try to stay centered on You. It’s kind of hard for me.
All of it. All of it.
(This was followed by a time of simply worshiping Him, fixing the gaze of my heart on His beauty….then…)
I love You, God. Thank You for your faithfulness to me and mine. I need You. You’re lovely, holy, meaningful, warm, safe…You are everything good and wonderful and enticing and longed for about Christmas. You are who and what we want and are trying to capture.
I want You.
You are my Christmas.”
Big breath. Thank you Jesus.
So last night, we decorated our Christmas tree. It’s a fun thing to do and yes, a lot of work. But somehow last night, it wasn’t work at all. We had the Christmas carols playing on the stereo and laughed and chatted easily as we hung our mostly precious and sometimes silly ornaments on the tree. We were unhurried yet finished in record time and none of us was exhausted from it.
Once done, we turned off all the lights and sat together on the sofa enjoying the beauty of the tree. Spontaneously, we began to sing along with the carols. We were accompanied by Amy Grant, Nat King Cole, Josh Groban. We ended with our hands lifted in worship. Oh Praise Him!
When the songs went silent, we stayed silent as well and then began to ruminate about Jesus. “Can you imagine what a great singing voice Jesus has?!”. “Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus returned on Christmas?!”. “At the wedding feast, what do you think the table will be made of?”.
Holy moments. Not stress filled. Just given to us from our extravagant Father who is the giver of every good gift. “You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” Psalm 145:10
Simplify. Invite the one who came. Who is coming again. Who is always coming to us. Oh yes, Jesus. Come again today. We love you.