Crashing In
December 5, 2015
It was to a dark world that Jesus came. Light came into the darkness. And as you know, where there is no light, darkness reigns.
Last week there was a shooting in Colorado Springs staged at the Planned Parenthood close to our home. Nine people were injured, three were killed. The funeral for the fallen police officer was yesterday. Over 150 police cars in procession with people lining the street was a holy and sobering sight. I didn’t know any of the people hurt or killed but those who did know them are just one step away from me. Several friends of mine knew and loved these people. Their children go to school together. One man’s wife led my friend to Christ. You get the idea. A few weeks back there was another shooting in Colorado Springs. It took place one block from my son’s house.
Paris. Beirut. Syria. Russia. Washington. North Carolina. Texas. Southern California. Next door. The list goes on.
Killing. Shooting. Maiming. Even if you don’t read or watch the news, you can’t get away from it.
I needed to update this blog because as I wrote it an hour later the deadliest shooting in the United States since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that shook and shocked our nation to its core took place. I told my husband not that a shooting took place but that another shooting took place. I am praying for all those people and families involved even as a manhunt is taking place in Redlands where dear friends of ours live. And you know the end of that story. Still questions rise. “WHY?” The answer is, because of evil.
I cry out like you cry out, “Jesus!!! Help. Come. Help. Come. Intervene!”
These are troubling times to say the very least. Light came not into the light but into the Darkness. And it is very dark. Evil seems to have its way no matter what plans are in place to keep it in check.
I’m not saying anything new. This world is a dark place. Evil has come crashing in all over the world. Civilians slaughtered. It is getting worse AND there is nothing new under the sun.
But light has come crashing in, too. Jesus has come crashing in. He “snuck into the enemy’s camp disguised as a babe.” The Ancient of Days bested the enemy and defeated him at the cross. He is victorious. He has won. Light shines into the darkness and the darkness is vanquished.
And yet. And yet here we are living in the in between times. We find ourselves in the already and the not yet.
Francis Schaeffer wrote, “How Shall We Then Live?” and it remains a good question. Perhaps it is the most important question. How then shall we live? Cowering in fear or living in victory knowing that nothing and no one can separate us from the love of God.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38, 39)
We live knowing that this is not our home. We live fighting for justice, being a voice for the voiceless. We live with the battle cry that Jesus has come, has come for you and we stand ready to give an account for the hope that resides in us. We have a hope that defies fear. We have a hope that defies cruelty and suffering. We have a hope that is victorious over all darkness. Because we have the Light of the world. And he has and is coming and would love to come again today – crashing in.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.