Practicing the Presence of Jesus
February 6, 2012
I’m a late-comer to the worshipping world.
Years before me Stasi began to discover the beauty and intimacy of personal times of worship. She’d tuck herself away in our bedroom with her headphones and iPod, and just worship Jesus. Never once did she reappear to say, “Well…that was a waste of time.” It took me several years to catch on, but I began to do the same. My preference would be to worship on a run, or, driving in my car. I began to look forward to longer drives, because of the extended time it would give me to listen to, soak in and respond to good worship music. (This is now my favorite way to pass airplane flights.) But more often than not, its simply grabbing some time in my office with the door shut and the music cranked. I almost ALWAYS have seven other things that seem far more practical or pressing to do. But not once have I felt, having made the choice, “Well…that was a waste of time.” I found myself wondering today if you are practicing the same. Rather than taking it for granted, I thought I’d put the recommendation before you. Here are a couple of songs/albums I’ve really been enjoying the past few weeks: Here on Earth by Bryan and Katie Torwalt (especially “I See Heaven,” and “I Breathe You in God”). Also The Loft Sessions by Bethel Music (especially “Come to Me” by Jenn Johnson). Gosh, I could make a dozen more suggestions, but Stasi’s at the retreat and I gotta go make dinner. So, there you go. Try it. Or, come back to it.