Articles & Posts

Partnering to Advance Jesus' Story

John Eldredge

October 27, 2020

Dear Friends,

I’d like to remind everyone that Jesus is still the main story in the world.

If you’re taking in any news at all, you can feel like the world is unraveling into madness. Certainly here in America, on the eve of one of the most bitter presidential elections in our lifetime. Yet not just here, as every country is facing tough times. Belarus. Armenia. Brazil. Syria. Ukraine. Everywhere, everyone. 

BUT...when we turn our attention to Jesus and what HE is doing in the world, it's a completely different story. Such beautiful, beautiful things are happening! Jesus is on the move!

Just last week I was talking to a man at the grocery store who recognized me out of the blue. He wanted to tell me that four years ago he’d been in an inpatient drug rehab program. Someone there gave him Wild at Heart. In his words, “It saved my life.” He's a beautiful man now, whole, doing well. A Jesus story. 

A pastor’s wife and partner in ministry wrote us the loveliest letter last month. “Thank you for the battles you’ve fought so that your beautiful offerings could be shared with so many. I grew up Catholic and gave my life to Christ at 15 through the ministry of Young Life. But you, my friends, have trained my hands for war, all the while restoring the wonder and beauty of our King and the Kingdom to come. In such a crazy season of quarantine, the Pause App has helped me to hear the Lord again.”

And this from a veteran: “You have given my family a level of freedom we didn't know existed. I was on the verge of horrible thoughts and ideas and you helped turn all that around.”

An ally in Scotland just told me about a BASIC he held in spite of the lockdown. He’s more passionate for Jesus than just about anybody else I've met. A drug user and dealer, he overdosed and was in a coma. Jesus literally came to him in the coma; he truly met Christ, and was completely healed. Now he’s a passionate ambassador of our message. He wrote to tell me that he’s been doing BASIC (our Wild at Heart boot camp by video session) in campgrounds in Scotland, because that kind of gathering is still legal. He wrote, “Believe me, your ministry has radically altered these guys' lives. One of them was involved in a big drug gang in the west of Scotland; the boot camp has introduced him to what he’s always been looking for. He’s going to influence a lot of others.”

And this week we learned of the first Captivating CORE retreat (our Captivating event by video session) taking place in Cairo!

Do you see what I mean? When we look at what Jesus is doing in the world, it’s just wonderful. Fabulous. The true story, by the way, not the one the media is telling. We could share hundreds more with you just from the past few months!! What an honor it is to help others.

And now we humbly ask for your help.

The pandemic has been rough for nonprofits. Too many churches and ministries have had to cut back, lay people off. Our dear friends at Young Life canceled all their camps this summer. I feel so bad for them; their work is so important. 

Thankfully, we haven’t had to lay off any of our team. But fall is that time of year when more than 50 percent of our donations come in, and all the uncertainty has made this a tough time for us as well. We had to cancel our fall events, which are an important source of income (not to mention the beauty of the ministry that takes place!). Some of our regular supporters have had to cut back their giving.

So I’m writing here in October to ask if you can help. 

Back in the spring, when the world was reeling and global economies were shutting down, we asked our board to meet and pray about how we should handle our finances. I fully expected them to hear from the Lord, “Cut back. Be careful. Hunker down.” But just the opposite happened—Jesus clearly told us to move ahead with confidence, that he would provide. And he has provided, and we know he will. What has been so absolutely beautiful are all the “Jesus stories” pouring in. Of all years, this has been the one that folks have needed our help most!

God will take care of all of us—your house and ours. 2020 did not catch him by surprise.

We actually have some exciting new initiatives going on. We filmed entirely new editions of our Wild at Heart and Captivating small group video series. They are gorgeous and so powerful! We know they will help us reach a whole new audience. We are hosting a number of events online; Morgan is doing a Becoming a King study and Stasi is hosting a Becoming Myself study this fall! We are forming strategic partnerships with other ministries to reach a million new hearts in 2021.

We are moving forward in confidence, walking closely with Jesus, getting our orders from him. We are rejecting the fear that has gripped the world.

And so my appeal for your support is not coming from anxiety or uncertainty. Not at all. We are excited about the opportunities we have to reach so many with the healing presence of Jesus. And I know it’s what you love, too.I know you love partnering with us in the true story! So before all the distraction of the next few months rushes in, I’m writing to let you know we do need your help. And to thank you now, by faith, for your fabulous generosity and the outpouring of your love for us! Your continued support will ensure we continue to get emails like this: The last six months have been the hardest of my life. I have experienced anxiety, which was totally new for me, and some “sifting“ that was necessary but so difficult. One morning, as I was about to go for a run, I picked up my phone and literally opened up your app by accident. I didn’t even know I had it installed on my phone. After I finished listening to your podcast, I asked the Lord (and let me say I have very rarely experienced God speaking to me directly) if there were any agreements that I had made, and he immediately revealed some pretty heartbreaking things and took me on a journey of intense growth and healing. I pray the Daily Prayer often, and I’m experiencing intimacy with Jesus in a whole new way!

The Jesus story is the true story of this hour. And we love partnering with you to advance it.

Thanks for your help, friends! You can send support in the return envelope, or it’s easy to give online on our website at Let’s go rescue a million new hearts!



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