Meet our Team
February 28, 2023
Well…2023 is out of the gates and down the track––even though my soul didn’t really get on board until late January! (Friends of ours still have their Christmas decorations up; their souls haven’t been able to make the transition yet!) Ready or not, 2023 is off and running. We’d love to “do” this year with you, whatever it brings!
Meet Our Team!
We thought about doing a Christmas card but opted to save this photo for this month’s letter so it wouldn't get lost in the December madness. Sometimes it’s nice to see the face behind the voice, email, or social post!
(From left to right, top to botttom:) Alex, Nic, Bart, Allen, Jeff, Karen, Conrad, Brad,
Jon, Stacey, Sam, Stasi, John, Polly, Morgan,
Michelle, Wookie, Sue, Jamie.
Not Pictured: Justin
Like many people, Stasi and I have a few photos of friends, family, and missionaries we pray for posted on our fridge. We’re sending along this team picture in hopes you will do the same. Prayer and intercession are the secret to this ministry’s wildly fabulous impact. Years before we started, Jesus brought to me a story of the power of prayer in all great Christian revivals and missionary movements. So from Day One of this adventure, we have kept prayer at the epicenter of all we do. We would LOVE to have you join us as prayer partners!
(I send out a weekly email on prayer to our list of “Intercessors.” You don’t need that to pray for us, but if you’d like to sign up, visit our website at
Host a group!
One of the other secrets of our global impact is the number of friends and allies hosting gatherings, sharing the message in their worlds. We just heard another story this week of a man who wanted to reach his neighbors—four guys who didn’t know Jesus. He took them through A Year with Men (one of our many curriculum offerings), and all four now love Jesus!
Honestly, one of the most rewarding, exciting, and personally nourishing things you can do is get a small group going in this message! We’ve packaged some resources for you so there’s no pressure to be an amazing teacher. Check out the Wild at Heart, Captivating, and Becoming a King “Experiences” on the homepage of our website. Or do a book study together.
Sometimes the best groups are where folks simply get a chance to “tell their story” and be heard. You can listen to the four-part “How to Tell Your Story” podcast series here:
Catch Up on Podcasts!
Speaking of podcasts, our three different offerings are really the best way to strengthen your own heart and track with us week by week. If you have the free Wild at Heart app, new episodes of all three podcasts download automatically as soon as they release.
The Wild at Heart Podcast—usually hosted by me and Allen Arnold. (The “Consecrate Your Year” episode is a must if you haven't done that yet!) We’ve been running a series the past six weeks on protecting your heart through the unique pressures of this hour. It’s really good!
Become Good Soil—hosted by Morgan Snyder. We call this the “deeper dive” track, devoted to becoming true disciples (apprentices) of Jesus. Morgan’s wife, Cherie, often joins him on the show.
Captivated—hosted by Stasi, designed to lead women into rich intimacy with Jesus. The stories she and her guests share are so beautiful!!
The Weekly Update
We’ve been trying to figure out the best model to share with our friends the latest inside scoop, some of the critical things we are learning, and the things bringing us joy, so we are revamping and revitalizing the Wild at Heart Weekly Update email. I’m going to be sharing by voice and video each week things Jesus is showing us, so that you can be strengthened too! Log on to your account on our website and scroll to “My Communication Preferences.” Check the box for “Email Updates.” If you don’t have an account, you can enter your email address in the box near the bottom of our home page.
One Last Thing
I just had to tell you—we made our budget at year’s end for 2022! I reached out in the fall to ask for your help, and you guys came through! For 22 years, it’s been the most amazing story! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support!
Okay. As I say on the Pause App, “That’s good. That's enough for now.”
Sending love and blessings to you, from our team,
Download the Wild at Heart February 2023 newsletter here.