November 2022 Newsletter
January 23, 2023
Dear Friends,
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—
those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,
those he gathered from the lands,
from east and west, from north and south.
Psalm 107:1-3
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. There’s nothing quite like it.
I love hearing people’s stories. I especially love hearing stories about Jesus coming for them. And, I have to admit, I am brought to tears every time I hear a story of Jesus coming for some dear soul through our work. Let me share some of the beauty with you…
I just wanted to express my sincere gratitude. I went through a serious ministry burnout this year and took a break from everything...but God led me to The Sacred Romance, and it was amazing to read. I'm now reading The Journey of Desire and almost crying through every page, just like with Sacred Romance. I'm receiving the healing I have ached for all my life. This note is just to say thank you for this wonderful ministry. Words are a serious handicap to express my gratitude. Receive lots and lots of love from a daughter of God in Nairobi, Kenya.
I cannot thank God and all of you enough for the Pause app. It has changed my life completely. I am on my third time through 30 Days to Resilient, and I'm also writing them out, because I sometimes go to areas of no mobile coverage. I'm in outback Queensland, Australia, and don't want to miss a day. I'm 60, grew up Catholic, gave my life to Jesus at 20…but really all I was doing was trying to avoid hell. I knew nothing about a real relationship with God, and as I got older, just couldn't get close to God. I went through many painful things. I left it all to work in Central Queensland. I had the Pause app for awhile and then you updated it with 30 Days to Resilient. For the first time in my life, I know I have Jesus in my heart. I'm so in love with him, Papa, and the Holy Spirit. “I am Known, I am Wanted, I am Chosen, I am Understood, I am Deeply and Completely Loved.” This melts my heart every time, and now I know it and believe it.
I have battled childhood wounds for 40 years. Chapter 5: Mother Desolation in your new book, Resilient, unlocked chains that have
held me captive most of my life. Thank you for writing this book. I am so grateful for the healing that is taking place in my life.
Jesus! We love you! We love to watch you rescue your beloved!
Friends, stories like these are pouring into our offices every single day of the year, from all over the world. Brazil. Ukraine. Kenya. India. Something really, really special is going on. Jesus is coming for his people with such fierce love and urgency. Each and every story is breathtaking.
This is what you help us do––as you carry the message forward in your world, as you pray for us and support us each year. We can’t begin to thank you enough! Think of all the stories we will hear at the Feast!
We are a crowd-funded non-profit. This beautiful work takes place because a small group of friends like you have been so generous with us. When the pandemic first rolled through in 2020, we wondered if we would have to lay staff off, cut back on our global outreach. Instead, we had the biggest year of giving since our start back in 1999!
We are hoping and praying for another great year in the face of serious inflation, impending recession, and economic pressure. Because God is able.
I’m writing this month to ask if you would support this redemptive work with a gift to this ministry before the end of the year. If we all come together, it will happen quickly and easily.
There’s no pressure at all; we know things are tight. We completely understand.
We trust Jesus and we trust your story with him. What Stasi and I are going to do is simply ask, “Lord, what would you have us give this year to the mission of Wild at Heart?”
If we all do that, we all get to share in the breathtaking joy! This is a partnership!
So let me say “thank you” right now for whatever you are moved to do.
You can send a check in the return envelope, or, you can give online at or on our Wild at Heart app.
Oh, THANK YOU, friends! Let’s fuel this mission to rescue every heart and soul we can!
With love and gratitude,
Download the Wild at Heart November 2022 Newsletter here.