The Issue Isn't Our Desire, It's Our Timing.
June 14, 2012
We were created for unimaginable levels of pleasure… isn’t that what Eden held?
Therefore, of course we legitimately long for all the pleasure we can squeeze out of life… that’s part of being, at the core, an Image Bearer. And there is no condemnation or shame in wanting our lives to be free of the hassles, discomfort and suffering that commonly jumps out and upon us in this life.
The issue isn’t our desire, it is our timing.
How much of what will fully be ours in heaven is available now?
Yes we were made for Eden and it will be ours again… fully in the future!
Until then we mustn’t be naïve to the realities of the world and fall victim to a spirit that demands all the pleasures of heaven we were designed for, now.
- Craig McConnell
(John and I have a conversation on this theme in this week’s podcast, “Worldview 4 Part 4)