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Craig McConnell

March 26, 2013

I’m overwhelmed looking at a very full email inbox. I get the same feeling looking at a stack of unpaid bills. Overdue bills.

How does so much time pass between my good intentions, responding promptly, and my actual follow through? It’s embarrassing. Worse yet, I really don’t want to lose touch with those God has circled around me.

I’m exposed as someone I wish I weren’t.

I get that technology is a squawking hole luring me into the godless pursuit of being present/connected to everyone, anyone. I feel no guilt on that front! However, there are characters that move in and out of our story as the chapters roll by… characters you love, bleed with; men and women who’ve found a place in our heart. Staying engaged, present, connected with these soul mates isn’t a courtesy. It's life. We can’t do this alone. I can’t anyway.

The Author of the story that is mine has put warriors, lovers, a Methodist, poets, a couple of doctors, Oregon wine lovers/intercessors, more than enough prophets, a retired trial attorney, several Swiss, artists, and salt of the earth folk in my life. I love them… may they know it.

Lord, I long to be like you, to love like you, offering yourself, present, strong… engaged. 

- Craig McConnell

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